The Way Inc. is changing the paradigm in the paper industry by providing the industry’s first highly effective less hazardous felt cleaning programs. For over 100 years, paper manufacturers have had no other viable choice but to use highly hazardous, very common chemicals in the felt conditioning and cleaning process. The world has changed.
Finally, there is a safe and highly effective alternative.
At TWI, we thoroughly understand the papermaking process. We also recognize that there are a myriad of production methods that vary greatly from machine to machine, depending on the end product to be manufactured, the overall process, and various technological implementations unique to a particular mill or machine. The fact that each process is different is the precise reasoning behind our scientific approach in developing felt conditioning programs.
Our less hazardous Felt Conditioning Programs utilize our proprietary less hazardous E-Kleen® product line. Our E-Kleen® products meet the following criteria:
- SAFE: Not Hazardous by OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200)
- NO SARA LISTED INGREDIENTS: No raw material is on SARA 311, 312, or 313
- NO NONYLPHENOL ETHOXYLATES (NPE’s): NPE’s are toxic to aquatic life, causing reproductive effects in aquatic organisms. NPE’s are resistant to natural degradation in water
Why change to E-Kleen felt cleaning formulations?
- No inhalation or contact exposure concerns inside the press at the chemical shower nozzles
- No skin contact exposure concerns from areas outside of the press from feed equipment, tubing, and press effluent
- Felt life improvement. Degradation of felt fibers documented with the use of NaOH/KOH products
- Operations optimization. Improved press performance can provide energy savings, quality improvements, and runability improvements